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Bro just posted an art piece with the caption, "Happy Holidays from the PsyCon crew. The boys are excited to get back to school and get things back on track, but until then, enjoy this festive piece done by the lovely @Mustache_Mutt"

Psychic connections back on the menu, boys!


I hope Shiuk is still on board after he pulled out being the artist for violet memoir, last thing this vn needs is for the artist to be to busy to work on it after it died for so long.


i spoke with him recently, he is still on the project


Just updated on their twitter page: the lead dev just got his Bachelor's Degree, so bro's definitely gonna be working a lot more on this.

Game ain't dead, bro just had to get that degree



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(1 edit)

proof please.

the official twitter page doesn't show that update at all.

Can't speak to the degree but there was a post on the main twitter account for the VN that makes it sound like they're getting back to working on it.



Thank you, I've checked their Twitter so many times,  i dont know why i couldnt find this. 

sometimes you gotta check 'replies'


3 years, 3 months, 23 days


It had a storyline I really liked, it's a shame it's dead as a doornail

(3 edits) (+8)(-4)

We finna get beastars season 3 before we even get a progress update lmfaoo

EDIT: why the down votes lmao can't one joke around 


brotha we getting gta 6 before the progress update.


Yes, disgusting, but maybe he does it consciously. The guy has no choice.

Deleted 62 days ago

What do you find disgusting about him commissioning porn?

Literally whats the problem my guy


I miss this vn


Looked on their twitter last post was made 3 oct of this year which means they are still active but i doubt that they will get back on continuing psychic connections


At this point jojo's part 7 and gta 6 will come out before the next update.


You didn't understand, there will be no more updates, the developer will not continue with this, damn


Can you back that up or is it speculation?


The person responsible for developing this game, who has not done so for years, will be abandoned (I don't want it, but it is reality).


This comment makes no sense and doesn’t even seem to answer my question.

(2 edits) (-30)

There is no way to verify that this project continues, but from the bad news we have seen, it is obvious that the end of this bad project most likely.❌❌❌❌❌....

However, hope is good, even though I don't like homosexuals, this visual novel is interesting.


All i did was make a joke how did my reply section become about European politics


I know right? Not very wise considering that “Do not create posts about sensitive topics that may instigate argument” is one of the community rules.

Good thing blocking and reporting are features on here.


When i was reading this thread i had the fucking shocked pecacchu face on the entire time lmfaoo


There was a tentative December 2023 target which wasn’t met. That’s how things are sometimes. Also, people are not “owed” news, or an explanation. But whether or not the intention is to keep this project going, why not just say so?

It can’t feel great to have this hanging over your head, and if it’s being worked on the dreadful guilt-unmotivation-delay negative feedback loop can’t possibly be worth eventually coming back with an all-at-once “Sorry I’m late and didn’t keep you posted, but here’s the update!”.

Really, I imagine just biting the bullet and writing a couple sentences somewhere would go a very long way for everyone involved.

(2 edits) (+22)(-4)

3 years, 3 months, 23 days

(1 edit) (+15)(-2)

yall we might get gta 6 before the next update lmao (not trying to sound like im trying to rush u or anything)


i hope everything is going alright with you rook. this was the main vn that got me into these. i do hope everything is alright with you and that nothing seriously bad happened to you.


Seems like this game was just a cash grab. At least have the decency to terminate your Patreon since you seem to have killed the development of this game for over 3 years now


The Patreon has not been charging the subscribers since the last update 3 years ago. So it is not a cash grab. I know people are upset with the lack of updates on what is happening, but all we can do is patient and hope for the best. 


hey rook, I'm sorry to be that guy but.... It's been a year since any news about what's going on with the development has came out, as well as it being about 9 months since the deadline you set for the release of the update, plus the lack of posts here and on twitter is starting to make me worry that something seriously bad happened to you. I know that in the last devlog that you posted stated that you would have to find a new place to live because your roommates decided to kick you out soo my guess on what happened is that you weren't able to find suitable living arrangements (I'm hoping that this is not the case). I'm hoping that you're doing well, and PLEASE update us on what is happening as soon as you're able to, and I hope that you have a good rest of your year.

(1 edit) (+4)

Yikes it's been over a year since the last hiatus update. I get things got super difficult losing the programmer and you had to learn coding but I wish rehashing the story had been put off to a later time. Seem like a "too much on their plate" situation when lessening the load may have been a better play. Either way I hope all goes well. 


I fear rook might have gotten into a cycle of update story then repeating that process to fit better then better, I've been doing it for at least 7 years atp


i still cant believe in 9 days it will have been 3 years since the last update.


hey rook u doin good

(1 edit) (+7)

Rook! Where are you? Did you get your keyboard stolen, was it the sewer goblins?

 Soo... how are you doing? Are you okay, did you catch those gremlin thieves yet? I'm currently melting from the heat outside. Hope we'll hear from you soon. 🫠🫠🫠


I think Rook might have given up on writing lol


No se preocupen, entre en Twitter y vi un anuncio del creador que según la fecha es de febrero de este año, por lo tanto la novela visual sigue viva 

(1 edit) (-1)

En serio? Y por que él no se pasa por aquí a escribir nada? Suena a mentira, y si es verdad sería una practica bastante baja.

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Happy june to everybody that checks this page daily for updates on the status of this VN!

Heres hoping rook is okay and fills us in on whats happening soon!


Yeah fr. Hopefully we get to hear something soon


These problems of authors almost always end in abandoning the project or depression for not doing enough, I would advise you to stop it and rest for a few years.

Deleted 265 days ago

I'm really and very scared that nothing has been updated since, is rook okay? because this is very odd


I am still hopping


Bnuy ahh "hopping" ;3


One of the best VNs currently out, can't wait for the next update.


Hope your doin okay rook! ill continue to wait aslong as needed! 


Out of curiosity cuz I don't have a Twitter account is this Project still going


We don't really know... Homie has been real quiet for a while now. I'm genuinely concerned that something happened to them physically which has prevented them from updating, responding, or tweeting anything since about June of last year. So, pray for them, I guess, if you're into that sort of thing and hope that they're okay if not. 


I thanks for the info!!! I really hope they're okay. It would be quite the waste of a good VN, but the health of the Author and his constituents are just as  important. Beeg prayers!!!!!


Hey! You keep up the good work. I really hope you dont feel bad for taking you're time. No reason to rush. Hope you're staying safe and are taking care of yourself.

(1 edit) (+11)(-1)

Its been two months since the deadline for the hiatus with no word at all, and no online presence since November... at this point I'm genuinely worried something happened to rook


they replied to a raffle on the 24th so luckily they seem okay


i'm really sorry for whatever problems backstage are roadblocking this, I'm rooting for you! but also worried? is this being redone from scratch? any update would be appreciated, the readerbase won't be angry I'm sure

also is there a git hub repo I can help with or something?


This is getting out of hand.


how is it coming Rook


Don't worry, deal with the problems in your life and then continue this game. It's going well, and you're allowed to take any time you want for it <3

You're doing this for free, and you're doing an amazing job! remember to listen to people and take care of yourself, I wish you the best with dealing with whatever problems you have. Much love!


Rook please! It's January 22nd, at least give tell us what's happening!


Gotta say, this radio silence is alot more disappointing then hearing the hiatus is being pushed back to june.


I really hope this VN isn't abandoned like so many others on here. I was genuinely enjoying the storyline so far. There's so much potential for this VN, please don't let it die. Also, @Witchbob, cry us all a river.


How's it going?


Wow can't believe I have to pick a romantic interest from those 4 insufferable characters.  One has anger issues, another flirts with anything that moves, then there's the pompous rich kid and a super annoying rabbit.  I honestly want nothing to do with any of them.  You should have an option to stay on your own


What do you mean "have to" Just don't play. And if you aren't into the characters go read a different novel or something, leaving a negative comment doesn't really encourage them to try their best and release this game. As much as I do like your idea of staying on your own, it contradicts itself as this is a romance VN so there wouldn't be any real point in playing if there were paths that lead to nothing. Not hard countering your opinion but just giving some criticism.


Don't worry I already deleted the game. I see no point in pursuing romance with irredeemably broken characters.  I did however complete the creator's survey at the end of the game, hopefully it will steer the creators in a favorable way for those that do love it and bring a greater amount of followers in turn.  I posted my comment before doing so unfortunately as it sometimes the only way to connect with the creators.


I'm glad that you gave them some feedback to how they could put the game out towards an audience with your similar interests but I still don't understand how the characters are irredeemable and broken, they're just characters in a VN and relatively common ones too. And I have to agree that contacting the game dev's and creators through itch isn't a bad idea, but they do have a twitter page and the dev's themselves have their own separate pages too. If you do really feel the need to reach out to them Id start with their Twitter page linked in the games description on this page.

(1 edit) (+1)(-22)

I don't do Twitter or Insta.  As for the characters, well, to put it bluntly I've dated all of those types before IRL and it was a catastrophe each time so I wouldn't be attracted romantically to any of those character archetype, it actually turns me off.


Totally understandable, I get the no Twitter or Instagram thing as I am also a person who either doesn't check it often enough to really have the need to use it, or just don't like some of the toxicity it can cause in daily life. As well as the dating the types thing, it would be hard to play a game with the same types of characters you had dated previously but I don't think that's really the games fault for picking them as they're pretty common characteristics in these Visual Novels and are more desirable making the game have more of a hook on the people who do want those qualities.


How do you know that they are going to develop the same as in the cases of those other VNs? What you are saying is like deciding to refuse to have a love partner or friends again just because you have had bad experiences with some.


"irredeemably broken characters"... Whaaaaaaaat? O.O
Wow... men... is everything okay in your life?

(1 edit) (+2)(-5)

In fact, this video game is a VN of navigation through altering the plot with choices you make, of course it has a strong component in dating and romance but it is more than just a dating simulator, right?
Also, I think it wouldn't be bad to include the no-dates route for those who are asexual or straight but liked the concept, plot, or character, and just want to make them friends, I'am not one for that but I can understand. It could be used to see what the characters do if you don't go with any of them. For example, maybe Jude and Quinn will get back together if you don't intervene to give that rabbit something better (although it's possible that Jude actually needs Quinn to not be so alone or something).


See here's the funny thing. There is. It ends your run, but there is. Just don't join the club. Or delete the game either works. :)


This guy surely doesn't know about character development 💀


Annoying rabbit?!
I agree with you about the muscle guy with anger problems (although I have heard that on his route you discover that he is that "hard on the outside but soft on the inside" type, but I have not verified it because I am simply not attracted to him), but what is wrong with you?! The rabbit is super fun, the only thing I didn't like about him is that after flirting with me I found out that he had some story with the muscular guy and tries to convince us to give that guy a chance. Aside from that, the most annoying character by far is the pink panda, the one who has zero respect for your privacy and is super insistent... but she's not a romantic interest. The rich guy seems like a responsible and nice guy... but too boring for me, and the flirter cat seems a bit desperate and rather makes me feel sorry for him. But they're all rather nice people.


hi i read you comment string and i get / and agree might i add with most of you statements(fr the wolfs annoying )  (tho i am worried about you if you had that many bad experience dating truly hope your doing better) but the  point is that the characters have major  flaws that will be explored  and hopefully fixed in the story, this is not irl  and thankfully thay can change tho this just might be me personally  i like seeing train wreck character change in a  story 


I'm still on my first playthru (going for Quinn) and honestly, if it's a story about how your choices change people's life for the better, I would love it. I love the idea of helping people's lives irl and in-game would be appealing too. I also found them diverse and somewhat realistic (with a healthy point of fiction to make it enjoyable) and I loved all of them (some more than others, but they're all good).

I think their characters are fun and interesting, and I love the game so far.


 my point in it entirety

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