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that person has a point, but i think it (might) be yet another month away, not sure... >.<

Unnie or hyeongje when is the Next Update😭


I played Jude route to camp, apparently to the end? will the Jude story continue to the end of the next update?


read logs for info


I literally loved playing this so much! Everything is amazing, can't wait for more :D <3


so... Rook? any updates on the hiatus?


When there's an update, I will share an update. :)


ok, ty


rook? you're being spam blasted by troll accounts! the admins must ip ban them

(1 edit) (+5)

Well aware. All I can do is keep reporting and banning them as they come up.

Edit: Looking at the accounts in question, it also seems these accounts are spamming a lot of games on itch right now, this tends to happen in waves on itch, so hopefully it'll die down in awhile.


alright. i'll rport them as they come when i see em.


man i really want to see a new part of the story but I know i have to wait I wish you all the best Rook ;) Link out~


hey, rook? how're things going?


day by day i miss jude more and more


likewise, I miss Elliot. should boot up the game though. >.<


I've got to say I really hope that this one goes but I know that's just wishful thinking for some visual novels lately

Ok so about the continued hiatus... No problem. My issue is the whole first new build won't be released on itch thing... Quinn route followers are already behind as is and now even when updates start up we will be delayed even more? love the story but man this sucks


Sorry to hear you're disappointed, though I promise the amount of time patrons will have the build before the public won't be terribly long. They simply get it first as part of our patreon promises. 

The build backlog I mentioned won't be released to patreon either, but rather exist as insurance in case something prevents us from keeping pace with our release schedule. The hope is having that backlog will reduce any extended breaks going forward.


this is the first project i never stop eager for during hiatus🥰


It's august and I am ecstatic, I mean no rush to have it done, it's just I'd be glad to hear how the progress is going


I have run out of food in this tent waiting on continuing Quinn's route. Soon might start chewing an arm. Also its kinda hot in here after a almost a year of laying in the dark


As August approaches, so too does my (imaginary) music playlist for the upcoming comment section rave =)


Can't wait to bring my audience back to this amazing game when you guys push out another update!

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+7)(-8)

Hey Rook. looks like you need to update us again. some people (I'm pointing no fingers) are getting antsy as July approaches.
(EDIT) not talking about anyone else but myself a lil wee bit. so XP stop with the arrow punching. i don't know why you people are so self-conscious you gotta mess with someone like me... grow up. if you got a problem, it isn't with the guy talking about himself in third person.


Well if they read the top of the page, they'll find we do have an intention on when to start releasing again... and there may be more active news updates as that time approaches. :3


oh i read that.

didn't mean me. or i'dda been pointing a finger at me.

i recall you saying AUGUST was expected start time??? (Not really for sure, but is expected time of year)


every so often i play through this game again. its so genuine and cute. I hope you didnt give up on it. I understand it can be alot. 


Nope didn't give up, we're just getting things amped as we approach the end of the summer.


omg. you just made my day. thank you so much. i cant wait.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

oh, Elliot... Why are you my favorite? 'Cause I love cats and you are no exception~ ;)


jude 🤤


I absolutely love the story so far, I can't wait for more content, mostly content with Elliot. I didn't think I'd like the story with him, but his character adds so much charm I can't resist! 


hey Rook? just checking to see how you and your team are doing and to see how things are coming along to get things going again (ie: the translations of the game code, etc.


Hiya Blood. Things are moving at a slow but steady pace. We've finished a lot of the features we'd planned for when we start releasing again and we're currently shooting for August to start pushing for releases. Thanks for checking in though. <3


Thanks for keeping us updated on the status of the VN's progress.  I look forward to seeing the story continue.


Love your work guys. 


Wishing you all well! PC is a VN I have a lot of appreciation and hope for, and i'm rooting for you guys.


once this vn starts posting updates again i WILL start another dance party in the comments  =)


Any news on this wonderful VN?


When is the next updat


holy crap people didn't like this comment haha


This visual novel grazed my mind Gently earlier today so I thought I'd check out how it's going, good luck to whatever problems your dealing with and I hope it goes as smoothly as you can ask for.


BloodMoon819 here. Watching for updates. Over and out.


I really hope this isn't dead, was just starting to get into it.


Don't worry it's not, we are still hard at work. We just hit a snag along with IRL elements delaying progress, but we are still very actively working on this.


Glad to hear it.  Real life can be a drag sometimes, so its understandable.  I'll keep my eyes peeled for updates.

love this visual noval looking forward to your hard work 

and thank you for making this

(4 edits) (+1)

I played this a couple months ago and this visual novel got me back into furry vns after a long burn out i had of them. It's just the perfect balance laid back fun and some good drama to keep me intrigued along with some memorable characters. Just a blast to play all around and I find myself thinking about it everynow and then. I don't know what the current status is on the hiatus for ya'll but I hope shit has been looking up recently and even then you guyscouldn'tpick a better place to leave it off on. great vn rated it 5 stars and good luck


is there any like plan of update?


like is there any daily date?

i certainly hope so!


Unfortunately, the game is currently on the Hiatus with a TBD return from hiatus. But once we know for sure when we can get crack-a-lackin, we'll be sure to push out a devlog letting everybody know.

thats good to know!


this might sound stupid but what is TBD?...0///0


To be determined. Essentially we don't have a specified date when the hiatus is over.


oh ok(about the "TBD" rn it make me feel so dumb XD)


Is the soundtrack available anywhere?


Not at the moment, but we do have plans for making the soundtrack more accessible in the future. :3


Great! I can't wait. I literally fell in love with the main menu song.


been thinking about this vn lately


Let me emphasize that this is pure curiosity and in no way trying to rush the team, but is there any update on the hiatus duration?


There isn't an update on the duration that is public, but I can say I have a mental date of when I'm trying to push out updates again. (Though I'm not releasing it at this time because I don't want to promise a date we can't meet.)

That said. If we hit the 1yr mark of when we entered Hiatus in August, I will be quite disappointed.


so hyped for the continuation of this vn ❤


I played this game a while back, and i gave up when i came to the part where only i think one or two routs were available to explore after the camping trip section. I wanted so badly to explore more with a particular character but he wasn't available yet. Aside from that , id give this game a 8 out of 10. I hope updates come eventually so i can start playing again.


yea quinn was the only one available at the time i remember, i too waited. jude is everything


i think only elliot and aiden have routes after the camping part?


Frankly it's a very good visual novel whether for the dialogue, the music and the characters. However there is something weird, despite the fact that we spend the whole beginning (for example) with quinn, we can when even decide at the crossroads to take the route of  elliot. it would be nice, like in santalucia  that the game gave us the route based on the character we spent the most time with.




Happy Valentine's Day Rook! and one to Shiuk as well! heck, give one to the entire dev team for me!

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