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Wow can't believe I have to pick a romantic interest from those 4 insufferable characters.  One has anger issues, another flirts with anything that moves, then there's the pompous rich kid and a super annoying rabbit.  I honestly want nothing to do with any of them.  You should have an option to stay on your own


What do you mean "have to" Just don't play. And if you aren't into the characters go read a different novel or something, leaving a negative comment doesn't really encourage them to try their best and release this game. As much as I do like your idea of staying on your own, it contradicts itself as this is a romance VN so there wouldn't be any real point in playing if there were paths that lead to nothing. Not hard countering your opinion but just giving some criticism.


Don't worry I already deleted the game. I see no point in pursuing romance with irredeemably broken characters.  I did however complete the creator's survey at the end of the game, hopefully it will steer the creators in a favorable way for those that do love it and bring a greater amount of followers in turn.  I posted my comment before doing so unfortunately as it sometimes the only way to connect with the creators.


I'm glad that you gave them some feedback to how they could put the game out towards an audience with your similar interests but I still don't understand how the characters are irredeemable and broken, they're just characters in a VN and relatively common ones too. And I have to agree that contacting the game dev's and creators through itch isn't a bad idea, but they do have a twitter page and the dev's themselves have their own separate pages too. If you do really feel the need to reach out to them Id start with their Twitter page linked in the games description on this page.

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I don't do Twitter or Insta.  As for the characters, well, to put it bluntly I've dated all of those types before IRL and it was a catastrophe each time so I wouldn't be attracted romantically to any of those character archetype, it actually turns me off.


Totally understandable, I get the no Twitter or Instagram thing as I am also a person who either doesn't check it often enough to really have the need to use it, or just don't like some of the toxicity it can cause in daily life. As well as the dating the types thing, it would be hard to play a game with the same types of characters you had dated previously but I don't think that's really the games fault for picking them as they're pretty common characteristics in these Visual Novels and are more desirable making the game have more of a hook on the people who do want those qualities.


How do you know that they are going to develop the same as in the cases of those other VNs? What you are saying is like deciding to refuse to have a love partner or friends again just because you have had bad experiences with some.


"irredeemably broken characters"... Whaaaaaaaat? O.O
Wow... men... is everything okay in your life?

(1 edit) (+2)(-5)

In fact, this video game is a VN of navigation through altering the plot with choices you make, of course it has a strong component in dating and romance but it is more than just a dating simulator, right?
Also, I think it wouldn't be bad to include the no-dates route for those who are asexual or straight but liked the concept, plot, or character, and just want to make them friends, I'am not one for that but I can understand. It could be used to see what the characters do if you don't go with any of them. For example, maybe Jude and Quinn will get back together if you don't intervene to give that rabbit something better (although it's possible that Jude actually needs Quinn to not be so alone or something).


See here's the funny thing. There is. It ends your run, but there is. Just don't join the club. Or delete the game either works. :)


This guy surely doesn't know about character development 💀


Annoying rabbit?!
I agree with you about the muscle guy with anger problems (although I have heard that on his route you discover that he is that "hard on the outside but soft on the inside" type, but I have not verified it because I am simply not attracted to him), but what is wrong with you?! The rabbit is super fun, the only thing I didn't like about him is that after flirting with me I found out that he had some story with the muscular guy and tries to convince us to give that guy a chance. Aside from that, the most annoying character by far is the pink panda, the one who has zero respect for your privacy and is super insistent... but she's not a romantic interest. The rich guy seems like a responsible and nice guy... but too boring for me, and the flirter cat seems a bit desperate and rather makes me feel sorry for him. But they're all rather nice people.


hi i read you comment string and i get / and agree might i add with most of you statements(fr the wolfs annoying )  (tho i am worried about you if you had that many bad experience dating truly hope your doing better) but the  point is that the characters have major  flaws that will be explored  and hopefully fixed in the story, this is not irl  and thankfully thay can change tho this just might be me personally  i like seeing train wreck character change in a  story 


I'm still on my first playthru (going for Quinn) and honestly, if it's a story about how your choices change people's life for the better, I would love it. I love the idea of helping people's lives irl and in-game would be appealing too. I also found them diverse and somewhat realistic (with a healthy point of fiction to make it enjoyable) and I loved all of them (some more than others, but they're all good).

I think their characters are fun and interesting, and I love the game so far.


 my point in it entirety

(1 edit) (-1)

This Novel is fabulous! I would go on for start with Aidens route, and then with Quinns. Those are my favs. And I wanna give you my idea for our protagonists ability powers. Well, I propose you my fav ones, I mean; aerokinesis, atmokinesis or electrokinesis. Those 3 are the best kinetic abilities ever for me. Aerokinesis - controls aspects of air. Atmokinesis - controls whole aspects of weather (meaning he could change the temperature, make it more rainy. or sunny or snowy, more clouds, less, etc). And Electrokinesis - controls whole aspects of electricity, meaning he could then control his own electric aspects in his body through his bones and for prank electrize someone with little electric pound, or destroy the electronics like phones by blowing them up etc, many options to choose honestly. But as for me, Id choose Atmokinesis to be his ability. But thats just my proposal, you would chose anyway what abilities main protagonist would have. Have nice day/night ^^ 

(Edit: by ''protagonist'' I meant our Mason ofc)


But you are not taking into account that strange scene at the beginning of the game, and those strange dreams... it seems that there is something or someone watching the protagonist... from within him. And there was an accident from which the protagonist survived and was in a coma. I believe that those things have something to do with the power he has, and explain the reason why his powers have not yet manifested, or that it seems. I bet that the protagonist's powers are more telepathic... and they are about migration and occupation of bodies or absorbing other people's minds into his own.


Whenever reading this vn, at the slighest mention of mason I can only think of “The numbers, Masonm, what do they mean?”


Yo chat what do you think Masons ability might be ?

I had two guesses my first was that he could Heal or Reverse it's time and my second was he could stop time or either slow it.

Prayge Healing abilities 


Very much like to know how Jude's Tattoo will be handled.

I'm thinking maybe he was raised without cultural awareness, and tattooed it on without knowing what it means as a way of naively reconnecting to his culture (although dreamcatchers have their origins from the Ojibwe tribe.) I guess it makes sense, since the feathers don't fall off, he'd be constantly storing bad energy without release.


Still patiently waiting for a new update. Pls take all the time you need on your stuffs, I know this VN is worth it.


I'm still waiting to be able to get "more intimate" with that rabbit. 
I've had honey on my lips for a long time now, is painful D:
And please, give the option to be able to punch Quinn's abuser... or to tell Jude what happened, even if Quinn gets mad at us (the protagonist). I really HATE that the game forces me to lie to Jude and do nothing against that idiot.


Yo, same guy who's gonna host the dance party in the comment section, just different acc.

lost the last one due to me forgetting my own passwords lol, anyway, still gonna be dancin' once the bois come back.


Still waiting...


I don't want to believe,I want to fly solo


Been waiting for around 2 years and ill wait even more ( no rush please take your time, everyone has their own life and problems so we understand <3 ) if it means ill get to be with Jude ;)


The waiting will pay off someday. 


May I suggest for the creator to include the day of the week on the beggining of each day as well?


Game is dead.


It does not mention that the project is over in the Twitter nor the patreon site... are you sure?


No updates for almost 3 years.  At this rate if it's not dead it'll be finished by 2030 lol


it was updated 41 days ago


And where is the new version then?


im waiting patiently and i know it's worth it.


wow I can't believe its already been 2 years since the first time I played this and my excitement for the future of this vn is still strong i cant wait until the update coming out soon


I want more about Jude's!


Really? I could never interact with such aggressive person... I just do not have the patience necessary to ever try to speak with him again...


I say you should trye more, he is soo much more behind his Angry face


ok, but in real life it is a red flag, please keep this in mind in order to avoid toxic relationships


thank you


are you brazuka?


The Games is sfw


For now anyway. It is still in the early stages.


not exactly

Deleted 216 days ago

Does anyone know how old the characters are? I'm curious :3


As far as I'm aware, mostly vague "college aged," acting under the assumption that they are recent high school graduates, aged somewhere between 18 and 22. With the exception of Elliot.

Their exact ages are recorded somewhere, I'm sure, but since nobody has responded to you yet, I figured I would provide my guess.

(2 edits) (-1)

Elliot is thirty, Quinn is 18-20 and the rest are all at least 21 (with Jude being 23)


Elliot : 35

Aiden: 22(iirc)

Quinn: 19

Jude: 23(soon to be 24)

Mason/MC: (at least) 21

Zoe: (prob same age as Aiden idk) 22(?)

I remember these from a few tweets from long ago back at like the first build before these tweets were deleted


currently chilling waiting for my bois to come back *pressures to continue doing good work by giving a thumbs up*


Hiya, just wanted to point out that there is a line that doesn't match with the story so far on Day 3 at night if all choices involved Aiden...then a certain thing Quinn says...doesn't match at all and doesn't make sense.  I saw nothing at the place Quinn mentions about Jude.   I know I am being vague...but it's so there is as lil spoiler as possible...but also so anyone willing to check what I mean can.  Thank you to all who took time to read my comment...and I hope this helps too.


hey Jude....


Don't make it bad take a sad song and make it better


Remember to let her into your heart~
Then you can start to make it better...


Hey Jude~

Don't be afraid...


You were made to... go out and get~ her~


remember, to let her into your heart


Hey Rook I know you guys are really hard at work on this but at the same time you probably should give more frequent devlogs to keep people invested


game is dead


but due to the most recent post on dev's twitter:


Naw was just rolling in its grave.


have a crab in these nearly-to-be-done-with trying times


Thank you so much.


Omg ty


this update better be worth the wait. i already finished every route and i'm just waiting on the update. please give us somthing soon. pleasee!!!!!!!!!!!!


This update better be great because I'm interested in seeing Elliot side of the story now *w*


What a little gem I seem to have found.  Hope it's pleasant news to know you've got another fan of your work.  I'll patiently wait for the next update :)


Already on Day 4 of this game and I love it! My mc's pursuing Jude and their interactions are so sweet. Can't wait to play more!


Me like me shall wait


I've been waiting since mid 2021 so let's wait! I know it'll be worth it

(1 edit) (+5)(-21)

Where sex? How to get sex? Instructions to get sex?

um i'm not sure if there is any yet on any routes.


I like you, friend! ;3
If you choose the white rabbit as your romantic interest, you will only have something tasty at the end of what is the game story so far which is until the end of birthday camp. But there are two other characters whose routes are more advanced with whom you could see a little more of the next day. I am committed to the rabbit so I have not checked if anything interesting can happen there. But I am also one of those who expect to see sex.

light spoilers for Aiden route: you take a hike with him to the lake and run into Quinn, who's swimming naked, so you get to see Bare Bunny Balls without them zipping by


Hey rook I hope everything is going alright with the little dilemma with your guy leaving hope you and ypur team doing good. Can't wait until the next update. Keep us posted about how its going

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akin siya

(1 edit) (+1)

What’s with the extras menu?


I think it's for patreon members only.  Since the extra menu asks for a code I assume they post them on there.


Hope rook is doing ok btw keep up the good work can't wait for the next update


i am so excited when there will be news 

This VN is so COOL i love it 


This is one of the only visual novels that I will wait till the day I die for it to update though I hope it doesn't take THAT long


agreed an both points

on another note; playlist achieved, now waiting for the chance to dance :3 


Is this completed?

Also are there s3x scenes/nsfw content?


1) not yet

2) (technically) yes and there will be


Thank you

Deleted 2 years ago

How's the progress? No rush, just missing daddy Jude lol


How tall is Jude? He looks to be the tallest out of everyone.


6'1" according to the ref sheet on patreon


He's the same height I am,

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