What I hope to be the last hiatus Devlog...

Greetings Friends,

It's been a while, hasn't it. I have a lot to discuss, and I'm not too sure of where to begin.

To start off, I'm going to apologize for the past two years of hiatus. I'll admit, when we initially began this hiatus, I never expected it to last as long as it has. While it hasn't all been my fault, I know that it's taken as long as it has, in part, due to my lack of proactivity on making the hiatus end. I've had other things in my life taking priority, my job, my education, and while I've definitely put in many hours getting us out of hiatus, it hasn't been enough, and I know it hasn't been as much as I could have. I need to do better, and intend to do so but I still needed to acknowledge my own part in the hiatus.

Now, you may be wondering. What all have I been doing? Why did the hiatus start, and why is it still going? When is it finally ending?

I'll start with the why did it start. Approximately 2 years ago, there was a bit of an unfortunate falling out with our Programmer, he had some personal issues which prevented him from further working on the project. However, before this we'd made arrangements to make major changes to our assets. These plans did not change as initially they'd only been meant to step away for a few months, and upon their return the intention was to update our codebase to properly implement this new format for our assets.

To make a long-story short, these few months extended into indefinitely, and I found myself with a bunch of assets I could no longer use, this led to the introduction of a new part-time programmer to help us more or less fix this issue and required us to redo our asset-formatting again.

However, the issues didn't stop there, as I myself did not have a programmer full-time to handle translating my scripts into a workable format in Ren'py. With 0 knowledge on how to properly code, I was downright stuck.

Fast-forward a bit, and delving into the "What I've been doing" I've been taking some classes on Python to remedy my lack of knowledge and equip myself with the tools to handle a lot of the basic-level programming myself, this felt like a necessity to avoid this problem in the future. I'd still not declare myself a very competent programmer, but I'm no where near as lost as I was before.

Throughout this period, I've also gotten assistance on some extra features for Psychic Connections. A proper UI for the game has been implemented, this extends to UI elements for other features, such as a Scene Gallery, a Music Room, and a Sprite Viewing Lounge.


Despite the hiatus, our artists have never stopped work, all of our relevant planned characters now have sprites, all of our CGs are now beautifully shaded, and all of our placeholder BGs have been replaced. (And many of our future BGs have also been finished.)

So you may be wondering, what's left, what's stopping the end of this hiatus? The short-answer, is me.

During the hiatus, I got the brilliant idea to rewrite all of the current existing content.However, I'd be lying if I didn't say I found that to be a struggle. It's not so much that I'm changing the story too much as I am re-arranging much of what's been told, and shifting the way it's portrayed to better match my intended vision. (Whilst adding a few extra scenes here and there.) This period of limbo seemed like the only time where making such a change would be feasible, and while that's true, I underestimated how long making such changes would take, because every change naturally cascades into further changes in the later days of the script.

As it stands, I'm about 65% done with the intended rewrites, for reference, Days 1-3 were initially 43.5K words, and now it's 60K. (That's almost a 50% increase in content.) That isn't counting the changes I've made to the later days that are not yet finalized and thus can't be included in my calculations. 

Truthfully, I'd intended to be further along by this point, but naturally life has side-tracked me. My current living-arrangement is coming to a sudden end due to my roommates deciding they no longer wish to continue our current arrangement, which led to me looking for a new place to live. (I did manage to find something that I'm moving into this week.) In addition, this past month there was an unfortunate health-scare in my family that placed my father in the hospital. One surgery and a week of stress later, and he's back home and presumed to live many more years, but all of this was stressful enough that I found myself unable to make the progress I intended to make when I'd previously announced on Twitter that Psychic Connections would be returning this summer.

So now that I've highlighted my failings, what does the path forward look like. Well, I'll be regrettably honest, I don't think I will be making my August release like I'd intended. My initial thought was to say October is the next goal, but I think if I'm being realistic, I want to give myself a wider window for life to get in the way. So while I doubt anyone will be happy to hear this. The new plan is for December to stage the return of Psychic Connections. (This is a soft-plan for the record, we 100% will be releasing this sooner than that if it's ready before then.)

I know that it's farther away than any of us wanted it to be, and I could say I'm sorry, but at this point I don't think I could apologize enough to make up for how long this is taking, so instead I'll simply promise to do better than I was before, and to get this to you all as soon as possible.

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Its almost 2025 lil bro where u at


Been waiting for a long time, and I'm happy to hear it's back on track. Don't worry about the long time it takes: the longer we wait, the better the release will feel. (Thats what she said)


This is from last year. As far as I can tell the author has gone radio silent since november 2023.


Oh I didn't even realize...


Checked his twitter and he's commissioning porn as of 7 days ago lmao


I checked and sure enough! I think these October 3rd commissions dethrone the February 2024 raffle entry as the latest easily publicly available confirmation that he’s still kicking. Still, as far as Psychic Connection related stuff the November 2023 retweet is still the latest unless I missed something.

August again.
Kinda wanna replay what's already up, kinda don't, 'cause I KNOW I'll really want to see more, the story is already that good.
Ah well. It'll be done when it's done. And when it is, count on me coming back!


it's been one year since this last notice and no news have been shared, are you pulling the plug on it? are you still working? can you share ANY news with us please? 


Its been a year daddy 😿 (youtube.com)


Please don't say sorry. Life gets in the way all the time, for everybody. Thank you and all of your team for the work they put in. I vastly enjoyed Psychic Connections when I found it two years ago and I look forward to enjoying it all over again when it is time!


Sorry to be "that guy" but it's January 5th Rook...




Make that January 11th


make that February 29th

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

make that April 4th


Make that June 4th


make that August 8th


It's okay. Good to know there is progress and that you are doing well. 

Try not to focus too much on what you haven't done and build up stress and anxiety. 

Instead look at what work and advancement you've accomplished despite life doing everything to get in the way,and be proud.


If I can say soo, what about some Christmas pictures wif the gang?

Like, the hiatos its intended to end in December, soo why not add one more picture, like a Christmas card wif them?

Don't fell pressured too, I already gappy to hear that it's not abandoned! Thank you for your work, I want more in the... I forgot the name, the antlers boy 🫎


I might reach out to someone to get another Christmas piece together similar to the one we did a couple years back. (Though I'm overworking Shiuk atm so I'd likely need to leverage a 3rd party to put something like that together.) We'll see where my wallet leaves me in being able to do something like that though.


Thank you, but no need to overwork yourself that much, its already hood enough knowing that you don't abandoned this game. Please be good and healthy, that's the priority! <3


i actually thought you were dead lol


Well, the good news is that work is still being done! :) 


It's completely understandable that life got (and is getting) in the way. It does that. Personally, I am so glad to hear that it isn't being abandoned, and glad that we have an update on the hiatus, as this is one of my favorite vn's I've started reading. If it takes until December, it takes until December, and even past that. Keep doing a good job, and I and many others believe in you.  💖💖💖


don't worry, this crab will help with the developments and keep the morale high

gl for the future


Don't worry about telling the hiatus takes long enough, the more important is that you communicate about it! We can wait if we know what's happening


Best of wishes to you and your family, get well soon.


Honestly? As long as this long night in a tent finally ends im happy XD. But jokes aside thanx for letting us know and keeping us updated. Not a lot of devs do so anymore. And its fine we understand things happen irl. No need for apologies for that kind of delay.


The important thing is that you're reaching out to us and keeping us updated, that's already a huge step towards gettimg things back on track. Take care of yourself and I can't wait to see what you and your team come up with! Best wishes!


I'm just so happy this is getting back on track! Best of luck and wishes, take lots of care!


Sending much love to you and your team 💖. I'm very excited to see what you have cooking, I know it'll be worth the wait 😌


Good to hear from you, take care and thank you for properly updating us, at least you're getting us more content soon, that's the good side, take your timee <<33


Hey I'm just glad to hear this isn't another dead-end visual novel! I've seen far too many end here. The fact you're still going is all I need for an apology.

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